Tuesday, March 20, 2012


HOLA everyone,
Even though its tuesday its been a busy two days yesterday we had a cardiologist appointment that went ok no changes in Hannah's heart which isn't shocking we did find out the whole is pretty big its between a quarter and half a dollar size i didn't think it was so big even though surgery can be done if all goes well its still nerve wrecking knowing my little baby might have to under the knife....im depending on god to give me the strength to get through it.  We also got our MRI results the results came back unremarkable everything in hannah's brain is intact and functioning no concern in the brain, theres fluid in the belly which leaves us to assume she is swallowing so thats GREAT!!! kidneys are normal size,bladder was normally distended everything appeared to be on point glory be to god the only thing was the fluid i have more fluid then should be the doctors aren't alarmed at the moment i was so happy with MRI results.

Today we had two appointments uggghs!!! the first one was ultrasound to check on the baby's growth and make sure everything is going good inside of there and so far so good no changes baby is growing according to due date, right now she weighs 4lbs 3ozs :-) we were definitely happy to hear her weight usually babies with trisomy 18 are born at 4lbs so this is definitely a blessing, we finished with ultrasound we headed upstairs to the NICU to meet with the neonatologist unfortunately leah wasn't able to enter the NICU which we knew from yesterday but since it was last minute it was hard to find a babysitter for today thankfully the doctor or nurse( im not sure what her title is) from yesterday she got along so well with leah  she volunteered to meet us at our appointment today to watch leah while we toured the NICU, everything worked out GOD continues to put the right people in my life and i pray he continues to bring the right people in my life and eliminate the ones that don't fit in.

The tour was very helpful so now i have a idea where my little munchkin will be while i'm down in the OR getting put back together i met with 1 of the doctors who answered all our questions now its just waiting time i have to finish my birthing plan so all the doctors and nurses involved will know what we want done for hannah before hand, get my bag together i still don't know what i'm putting in that bag but i will figure it out thats about it everything else will fall into place.  well that is it for tonight i am exhausted i don't have to wake up early i can sleep in til about 8:30 maybe 9 if leah permits it.  well until next time take care......


  1. GOD Bless Babes!!!! Love All Y'all!!!

  2. god bless you for real Gabby. I dont know if you know how strong you really are. THere many ppl out there who dont have the courage and faith you have. As long you continue to believe in god, the same god you and i both love everything wheather its good are bad will fall into place.NO MATTER WHAT NEVER LOSE FAITH OR SIGHT OF WHAT U WANT B/C GOD HEARS US.
