Sunday, July 15, 2012

Back at Hackensack...

Hannah is still on the vent, they have lowered her oxygen and slowly she's adjusting she does de-sat from time to time but always come back up.  Kevin and i said once she was weaned off the vent we would want her back at Hackensack since columbia isn't doing the surgery anymore it would be best to go back to Jersey back into our own home we just didn't know when that would be.  Yesterday i was texting Hannah's palliative/pain management doctor ( more like my doctor lol you guys heard me talk about her before) Dr. Beversdorf updated her on hannah and she asked "if the plan was just to wean Hannah off the vent, can we be transferred back to hackensack?" i told her i wasn't sure and i would find out from the doctors, Today the doctors came in, right away  i asked if we could be transferred back to hackensack and  have them continue her care he said yes he agreed and didn't see why there would be a problem just give him time to call speak to hackensack and see how fast he can get us back to hackensack.  This afternoon around 3pm the doctor came back in and told us everything was set hackensack had a bed and accepted her and we should be leaving in 2 hours i was like DAMN!!! (excuse my language) that was quick.

it is 9:05pm we are officially back at Hackensack University Hospital it feels good to be back i feel so much better, don't get me wrong Columbia is a good hospital they know there stuff BUT they are nothing like Hackensack they know us they know,our goals, communication is excellent and already they are getting stuff done and here is the bonus Hannah has not de-sated since we left columbia its funny (knocking on wood) don't wanna jinx it lol but 02 sat has been perfect and her vent has been lowered. Im going to take a wild guess and say the surgery wasn't meant to be and i am ok with that...for now. Hannah has been through enough, right now all i want is her home so the plan at Hackensack is to get her off the vent and get her home, getting her off the vent is gonna be tricky but im not worried my lord got this he will get her off the vent and home in one piece.

Hannah weighs 7lbs 7ozs

Hannah is gonna be 2 months tomorrow i cant believe its been 2 months already, where is the time going? glory be to the almighty Im so happy my baby girl is still with our family she is such a fighter even with the sedation when it wears off she starts going for the tube lol she is determined to get that tube out but not now lil Hannah in due time, i love holding her little hands, caressing her hair she is such an angel.  At times i'm not sure if i can handle the unknown or the whats to come i always have to remind myself that his eyes is on the sparrow and his hands is on my family we will be alright. Amen. Cant wait to go home tomorrow and sleep in my own bed until then i'm staying with Hannah make sure she has a goodnight and all is well. That is it for tonight i'm tired its been a long day.

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