As usually i am behind on my blogging, Hannah turned 2 months on monday YAY!!! its such an amazing feeling to say she is 2 month old her dad and i went from counting seconds to minutes, then hours,days,weeks now i can say months my god is an amazing god even though there is still a lot of uncertainty i am sure Hannah will be fine and if not i am still thankful for the time he blessed us with her presence. Slowly her vent continues to get lowered and she's tolerating it well, earlier today she was de-sating a lot but through our the day it got less and less. Her fentanyl (sedation medication) continues to get lowered too, the doctors want her more awake so she can take more breathes, its been working she's breathing over the vent which is what they want to see and of course my favorite she's more alert looking around and smiling if you talk to her she turns to look at you with those big beautiful eyes (melts my heart every time). The past few days Kairi (my oldest) has been keeping me company at the hospital, yesterday she put Hannah to sleep singing to her she's a very good big sister i always knew she would be.
Kairi spending time with Hannah |
Yesterday 7/18/2012 was an ok day, Hannah threw up a few times and kept gagging it made me nervous i was praying it wasn't the beginning of something new to deal with, the nurse explained to me the gagging was due to them lowering her sedation medication now she's more alert and feels the tube irritating her throat causing her to gag but the vomiting she further explained could also be due to them lowering the fentanyl (sedation) which sometimes causes withdrawal and makes people nauseous and throw up, she also could be throwing up because her stomach is either too full with food or air from the vent so they put a tube in her nasal passage to remove any food or air in her stomach which seemed to help she hasn't thrown up since so thats good.
Hannah smiling for the camera she knew it was her last day on the vent |
Today 7/19/2012 we got good news there gonna attempt to take the tube out, this morning they lowered her settings to the lowest support it gives she tolerated that perfectly yay!!! around noon they turned off the vent and gave cpap pressure to see how she would tolerate that again she took it well was breathing on her own at a good rate heart rate was perfect after about 30 minutes they put her back on the vent and said at 2pm they would again turn off the vent leave it off until 3pm if all her vital signs are stable (which they will be cause gods got this *winkzz*) they going to extubate her so i'm anxious and nervous i keep looking at the clock since they said 3pm and its only 2:20pm. At 2:30 they started coming in to get everything ready the by-pap nasal set up, the intubation kit in case she didn't breath on her own (they wont be needing that) by 2:50pm she was extubated and breathing on her own with assistance of the by-pap. I was praying the whole time glorifying god for who he is and what he can do. Im so happy she is off the vent God is amazing and Hackensack is good . After a great afternoon i had to leave Hannah early today kevin had to go to class early he stayed home yesterday since i wanted to stay with Hannah last night, i didn't want to leave her i wanted to stay by her side :( but i had to go my other kiddies need me too. When i left Hannah was sleeping peacefully.
a true fighter, Hannah off the vent and on a BY-PAP |
Monday we have a meeting with a surgeon to see if he is willing to do the VSD repair for Hannah, honestly i'm not sure if i want it done right now i think she needs a break from the hospital, my goal is to get her back on a nasal cannula then home as long as the medication keeps working we keep watching and elevating her when we get to the point that medication isn't working anymore then we talk about surgery but lets see what this surgeon has to say talking doesn't hurt. Thats the run down for the past few days gotta go call and check on my Hannah banna...
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