Saturday, June 30, 2012 columbia presbyterian hospital

Hola everyone..... Im a day behind so let me bring you guys up to date Since we've been here the doctors and surgeons were indecisive about doing the surgery on Hannah for  all good reasons as u guys kno, yesterday they decided to do the  PA band surgery next week we just don't know what day yet thats good news.  Hannah was crying a lot the past two days (not including today) just inconsolable no matter what we did she would cry i figured it was because of the missing corpus collosum in the brain the signals were getting mixed up so she didn't know what she wanted again my thought. Yesterday grandma (kevs mom) had a awake and funeral to attend so kev and i had to go be with the girls plus i missed them and they sure was missing me but Hannah was crying so much i didn't want to leave her like that and wondering if is she alone crying her little heart out because the nurses are busy with there other patients, i asked if she could get some type of medication that would calm her down they gave tylenol which worked for 20 mins then they gave some GI medication which did absolutely nothing i asked again if it was possible to get something stronger to calm her down unfortunately due to what happened to her a few weeks ago (when she stopped breathing) the doctors don't want to give medications that will depress the nervous system that could dangerous for her if the reason she stopped breathing has to with her brain so that option was out.

After a while of rocking and swaying her side to side she fell asleep so kevin and i flew out of there we spoke to the nurse she reassured us Hannah would be fine and they would do there best to keep her calm. The girls were so happy to see us and i was beyond happy to see them i missed them so much. I called the hospital to check on Hannah the nurse said hannah woke up a little while after i felt and of course was screaming down the floor the also said she kept arching her back (which she does a lot now that i think about it) and she was also de-sating because of all the crying, the nurse decided to call the doctors and have her put back on the c-pap, of course  i was saddened by that to me thats going backwards and i only wanted forward progress her being on the cpap also means no feeds only intravenous fluids, apparently after she was put on the cpap she instantly calmed down and slept the day away i got back after midnight and she still was knocked out.  Hannah was breathing fast and wasn't pulling in enough oxygen so she was irritated my poor baby :-(  i cant wait until this surgery is done then her breathing will be much better and thats one less thing we have to worry about.

Today Hannah is still calm and sleeping without any meds lol. Hannah is teaching me so much about myself i typed earlier in this post that "I didnt want her to go backwards that I only wanted forward progress" sometimes in life we have to go backwards to go forwards thats just what it is, most importantly it doesn't matter what "I want" Hannah is running the show and her body will tell us what she need and if going backwards is what she needs right now so be it. Patience is what my daughter was brought on this earth to teach me...patience.

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